Friday, September 21, 2007


apparently, i must apologize for the few people each week who have been hitting up this blog...

i'll get in a spurt where i feel like writing... and then life will slap me upside the face and i'll lose track of the blog, my music website, etc., and get caught up in trying to help my wife plan our wedding or being a minister in ways i hadn't anticipated or playing in way too many other weddings...

but i like all of those things, too

it's just that as a consequence, the frequency of blogging will definitely suffer.

here's what eats at my brain during my down time -

i hope he won't mind me saying, (too late now if you're reading these words), but that is the link to my brother's blog. It is a pseudo-personal blog, where at some times he recounts personal experiences, and at all times he is articulating his personal worldview, but he maintains an air of objectivity that may or may not be valid.
CAUTION: if you have not already spent significant time thinking critically about your faith, your spirituality, and/or your worldview, DO NOT click on that link. My brother is an agnostic/atheist/naturalist/humanist/deconstructionist/nice person.
see how silly labels are?
anyway, he comes from the same environment as I do, but after High School we entered very different environments, and our temperaments are markedly different, so although he can cite similar experiences and accurately satirize conservative Evangelicalism, be careful to consider his words with counsel.

Over the past year, I have engaged him in dialogue off and on, sometimes beneficial, sometimes fruitless. at almost any given time, however, if you were to ask me what i am thinking about while i'm sitting on my couch watching the Colbert Report (sad times when i have to stop getting cable in Dec.), or as i am reading Robert Webber or Shane Claiborne or especially Orson Scott Card, i am thinking about my brother and i am thinking about the Gospel.

for me to adequately post a response to one of HIS posts, or even to answer one of his e-mails, it takes an enormous amount of time (this coming from a very impatient young man) and an extraordinary amount of effort for me to respond with concision and clarity... so i may go for months without posting here on this space, but i've contemplated writing on his blog for a few weeks in a row and written some drafts, for example.

anyways... just a little glimpse into my mental struggles as a new husband/pastor/songwriter/video game player (halo 3 in 3 days!!)

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