Thursday, September 20, 2007


when i was a freshman at CU...

there was no stoplight

there was NO coffee ANYWHERE

Sauls was a girls dorm

there were 2 RAs per floor

people pulled AWEsome pranks on campus
(harassment of public safety, frequent raids on women's campus, blatant noise violations)

there was no cable in the dorm rooms

the internet was JUST added to each room

Halo had not come out yet (nor had the xbox, actually)

Napster was just a twinkle in someone's eye

iTunes? what?

Monday Night Bible Study was uber-calvinist (well, the more things change...)

Chele's Place sold gummi bears

the student center rented videos - VHS, baby

Campus Crusade for Christ went from 35 to 300 people in one semester

Britney Spears was still cute and innocent, and on posters in many a dorm room

marshbanks' only edible food was chicken fingers

RAs could write parking tickets (until one wrote a ticket for Wiggins' car)

the floors creaked in D. Rich, and it smelled like a mixture of bat poo and mildew

Burkot Boys became legend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, I feel really old now....

Those were some good times.