Tuesday, January 08, 2008

more delinquency

i definitely should have posted since september... but oh well.  what can i say?  

i'm getting used to being a husband - a very tough calling, but i love my wife more and more through all of our silly experiences and our intense adventures.  

i'm serving in a church family where 3 individual families are struggling with 3 separate and yet potentially terminal brain tumors and their effects.  
their respective blogs are: 

i'm cleaning up poop from a new doggie.  if she wasn't so cute, i'd probably be pretty mad most of the times i come home and smell the welcome-home present... 

i'm wrestling with several books:  Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, There Is a God by Antony Flew, and several graphic novels (changes weekly)

I'll be auditing a class this semester at Campbell Divinity School, so i'll hopefully have a few more opportunities to blog in the near future... everyone uses a laptop in class, right?  

there are a lot of blogs that i'll hit when i need something to think about, but i will save those links for another time.  hopefully i'll get around to putting something thought-provoking up here soon.  

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