Tuesday, September 23, 2008


for those of you who have blogs or use them, you know exactly how annoying it is for someone to anonymously post a comment or otherwise seek to enter the blog-discussion without identifying themselves.

if you are a pastor, it is even more frustrating when you receive anonymous tips on how to be a better minister - it's like a perfectly passive-aggressive way to at once tell your pastor that you think he's doing a horrible job, and tell them that you care enough to have input.

i just wish they would care enough to put their name on it.

i received an anonymous piece of mail today. not e-mail, or a blog comment, but a piece of snail mail. i was very excited at first, until i opened it up and began to ponder the contents.

one single clipped piece of newspaper.

and this is what is says:
Dear Abby:
I am writing about a change I have seen in church. I accept the loud guitar music and informal settings, although I do miss the traditional hymns and formal altars.
What I cannot get used to is the forced "friendly" greeting and handshaking. I attend church to meditate and worship with my family. I do not go to shake hands with strangers and give them a greeting dictated by a pastor.
I like people. I am naturally caring, outgoing and friendly. However, I believe that a greeting or handshake should come from my own heart.
I have mentioned this to friends and family from all faiths, ages, and walks of life. None of them like this scheduled "greeting" either. Many say they head for the restroom at that time, turn their backs or just shake hands with the people they came with, come to church late to avoid it, or don't come at all. Others feel the practice is unsanitary.
I suggest that church leaders take an anyonmyous poll and ask how many in their congregations agree with me. What do you think, Abby?

now, upon reading this, my jaw slowly started to drop... simply because of the overwhelming nature of the necessary response. for someone to come to these conclusions, there is a fundamental MISunderstanding of the worship service at any given church, and particularly at Grace Community.

what i found conspicuous was that the answer from Abby was not attached... so, i used Google and found THIS:

DEAR DAUGHTER: Thank you for asking my opinion. Here it is: Something is wrong in our fragmented society if, for one moment in a house of God, people cannot find it in their hearts to reach out and make sure that everyone feels included and welcome. And for those who fear it is unsanitary -- bring small bottles of hand sanitizer.

honestly, i don't feel like i need to say any more than this.

BUT... whoever clipped this little article MUST HAVE READ this answer, and STILL felt justified in sending the underlined article anyway! What am i missing here?

if going to a worship service is about meeting your own needs, then what are you actually worshiping?


Joe Aiello said...

Well said, Sir

Jonsey said...

Man Dave, I am really sorry about this. The first thing that comes to my mind are rude words describing the individual who sent this, but then I remember that I love that person, if they are a part of GCC, so I can't be saying ugly things to them in my heart haha.

But I am sorry for that person's rude and cold attempt to express their selfish will.

If Abby can get it right... I mean really? That was smart to look up her resonse. I would have never thought of that. Those good ideas must come after seminary graduation... I'll be there in a few years.

I'll be praying not only for the Camel Link program :) but also, for unity in this person's heart- or honestly atleast about their identity and how you could respond in a loving way.


Anonymous said...

O, David, why do you hate me so?

David said...


it's not a matter of hate, as much as a matter of not-being-able-to-respect-the-person-with-no-identity.

i love people

i don't much care for anonymentities.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave,
GREAT POST! Even with the great story and the ridiculous wisdom from Dear Abby and yourself (for looking up Dear Abby's answer), we could skip the whole post until the final line...

"If going to a worship service is about meeting your own needs, then what are you actually worshipping?"
