Saturday, January 19, 2008

WeddingSongs on the horizon...

being a poor married man, i don't have the pocket change to put into a recording project.  However, i really want to begin recording the WeddingSongs EP that i've talked about for months now... so in order to get the ball rolling, i'm taking Pre-orders for the EP.  I think i'm gonna go with $10 for the price, and for pre-orders that will include shipping.  
if you're interested, contact me through facebook or e-mail and i'll let you know the address for checks and the timeline for release.  
songs to be included on EP: 
Awake  (written for Caleb and Adrienne)
Living  (for Jason and Meg)
Here and Now  (for Josh and Lisa)
to Unity  (for Andrew and Laura Kate)
Sarah Jean  (take a guess)
Untitled Song  (for Dustin and Amanda)

i'd like to give a free copy to each of the couples mentioned, so if you can help me through pre-ordering, that would be awesome!  at the very least, pray that God will provide the funds for me to realize this project

1 comment:

Caleb and Adrienne said...


I don't have your e-mail OR facebook (and I'm afraid if I ask Caleb to tell you this, he will forget)....but we want to pre-order a couple of the CD' don't need to give us a free one. Can you send your address to Caleb's e-mail and we'll get a check out in the mail to you!!

