Friday, October 22, 2010

upcoming posts/thoughts

i like to read

mostly, i like to read theology and/or graphic novels/comics. 

i'm anxiously anticipating the end of Ex Machina and The Walking Dead (soon to be a TV show on AMC), i've been following developments in the DC Universe with Brightest Day and the Batman franchise... i also like to read the Xmen books when i can and i keep tabs on the general happenings in the Marvel Universe.  on top of all that, i usually buy the Halo trades that come out, and have bought the Ender books that have been made in comic form recently. 

While that stuff engages my creative story-telling side, i'm also reading things that challenge me theologically and philosophically. 
I just finished Why Johnny Can't Preach, after finishing Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns, and i had previously finished Radical, by David Platt. 

this little kick of finishing books got me a little too excited, i think, and i started a HUGE list of books, all practically at once:
The Words of Jesus by Phyllis Tickle
What Would Jesus Deconstruct?  by John Caputo
Samson and the Pirate Monks by Nate Larkin
Theology Remixed by Adam English
Following the River by Bob Sorge
Heart of the Artist by Rory Noland
Church Planter by Darrin Patrick

and while i'm trying to read all of those, i'm trying to stay focused on Acts as we teach through that at GCC, so i'm reading a couple different translations of Acts as well as a couple paraphrases each week, sometimes daily. 

i'm not really sure what book to tackle first, because there are fascinating ideas in ALL of them, so if you have a suggestion of which one i should nail first, please let me know your thoughts!  and, if you've read any of the above listed books, let me know your thoughts as well. 
as i read through these, i'll try to post some of my thoughts on them.  I desperately want to post my thoughts on Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns so i can get some dialogue going with some other worship leaders and church musicians i know, so that post is coming soon...

as well as some current reflections i have on adultlescence, or prolonged adolescence, or being rejuveniled, or any of the other quirky ways to describe a period of life that is now a cultural expectation for all young men, which i think i'm only now beginning to admit applies even to me!

stay tuned...

and, check out as i keep posting things there as well...

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